Friday, March 19, 2010

Who is a Good Guy? Who is a Bad Guy?

The question “Who’s a good guy? Who’s a bad guy?” raises several points of discussion. First off, the answer really depends on a person’s point of view. What one person may consider a good guy, another person might consider a bad guy. Also what one person might consider a bad guy; another person may argue the statement and say that that person is a bad guy. I think that another thing that must be considered is circumstances. Something that someone might have done may be considered bad in one situation but if it was absolutely necessary, it may be considered a better thing. A person cannot be considered good or bad without seeing that person through all points of view, as well as the circumstances that the person is being judged on. 
The first thing that must be considered when answering this question is a different person’s point of view. An example is the Vikings. They killed many people constantly so that they could steal from them. They would invade their land, murder countless people, and steal their valuables and move on to do it again. To many people the Vikings would seem like bad guys. The Vikings however, might have considered themselves to be good because they were getting and doing what they wanted. Viewing this concept from both sides shows that people have their opinions on the matter and an answer cannot be decided on. Every person is entitled to their own personal opinion and if someone does not agree with your opinion it does not mean that anybody is wrong. Morally however, the things that the Vikings did would make them seem like very bad guys. Most people would agree on this one that the Vikings were bad guys but that does not mean that the Vikings felt the same way. A person’s own opinion is probably one of the most important things when stating who is a good guy and who is a bad guy. 
Another thing that should be considered when answering the question is the circumstances that apply to the action that a person is being judged on. With the Vikings all of the stealing and murdering they did was very bad. If the circumstances had been that they had had war declared on them, their violent actions may have seemed less bad. They would still seem like the bad guys to most people, but their actions could have been justified by some means. Since this was not the case however, they had done terrible things for no apparent reason. This makes their actions seem much worse than if they had had some sort of reasoning for doing this. Their actions were not provoked so they seem worse than they would have if they had been provoked. The circumstances of these two scenarios are different so that one situation makes them seem like bad guys, but the other does not make them seem quite as bad. These circumstances are equally important determining factors as that of a person’s point of view, because circumstances may change the wrongness of an action as well as a person’s point of view. 
Because of the two factors mentioned above a person cannot be considered a good guy or a bad guy until these two things are thought about because they may easily change the decision. Many people would consider the Vikings to be bad people because of all of the evil things that they did but one must be respectful of another person’s opinion because everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion. Although some people might seem like bad guys and some people may seem like good guys, it all depends on the things that play a role in the situation.

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