Friday, March 5, 2010

What was the attitude of the Romans towards woman and children?

IV. 1 "A dreadfully deformed child shall be killed."
V. 1 "Our ancestors saw fit that "females, by reason of levity of disposition, shall remain in guardianship, even when they have attained their majority."
VI. 2 Marriage by `usage' (usus): If a man and woman live together continuously for a year, they are considered to be married; the woman legally is treated as the man's daughter.
X. 4 "Women must not tear cheeks or hold chorus of `Alas!' on account of a funeral."

The Roman Empire has a large dislike towards woman and children such that they have no rights and are pets to the fathers and husbands. Woman have no meaning in the Roman community other than to have kids and be the maids of the husbands and fathers.  IV. 1 "A dreadfully deformed child shall be killed."(The Twelve Tables) This shows that the female either has a perfect child or will have their pride and joy destroyed right in front of their eyes. Te Romans were cruel and grueling towards woman and children, their form of law has to be the most destructive form in the world.

"THE TWELVE TABLES." California State University, Northridge. Web. 05 Mar. 2010. <>

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