Monday, March 29, 2010

What is the better Funeral Oration? Why?

What is the better Funeral Oration? Why?
1.      Explanation of events leading up to each Oration (with reference source)
a.       The Peloponnesian War, 431 to 404 B.C., was an ancient Greek war, fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta.( dedicated to all of those who have died in attle.
b.      The American Civil War (1861–1865), also known as the War Between the States as well as several other names, was a civil war in the United States of America. ( said to honor the nation and to show the presidents look on the war.
c.       Thesis- The wars were very similar in the fact that they consisted of two groups fighting for freedom and rights.
2.      Primary sources Pericles vs. Lincoln (use quotes) support topic: Appeal to patriotism
a.       "Most of my predecessors in this place have commended him who made this speech part of the law, telling us that it is well that it should be delivered at the burial of those who fall in battle” (Pericles)
                                                              i.      That many of his companions and friends died in this war and they honored their families through their death
                                                            ii.      Dedicated this speech to those who have died in battle and that they should never be forgotten.
b.      “Now we are engaged in a great civil war. . .testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated. . . can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.” (Lincoln) 
                                                              i.      That no nation would want a civil war thrown upon them like it was a gift.
                                                            ii.      They stand on one of the battlefields of that war in honor of those who have died.
3.      Appeal to Pride?
4.      Appeal to honor, glory, Nation, etc,
5.      Conclusion
 ·  "American Civil War -." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Mar. 2010. .

·         "Ancient History Sourcebook: Thucydides (c.460/455-c.399 BCE): Pericles' Funeral Oration from the Peloponnesian War (Book 2.34-46)." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 29 Mar. 2010. .
·          "The Gettysburg Address." Web. 29 Mar. 2010. .
·         "Peloponnesian War -." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Mar. 2010. .

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Could Rome have risen to power without slavery?

Slavery has shown up all over the world in every nations past and most of the time it has been due to the race of the slaves that are doing the labor. Slavery in Ancient Rome was a major part to their success and how they became one of the world's greatest empires in their time. The Romans whipped, beat, and put their slaves through so much pain and labor that it was if they were dogs.  "Yesterday I gave each of you his special job, but you're so worthless, neglectful, stubborn, that I must remind you with a good basting." (Plautus, Pseudolus, Act. I, Sc. 2./ Rome could have risen to power if they didn't have slaves but they would of had to work to be able to become the civilization that they once were. 

The race of the slaves was normally what had gotten them into slavery in the first place. The Americans enslaved Africans and the Egyptians enslaved Jews all because of their religion and the color of their skin. The Romans however treated slaves as a social class and they were owned be free men that sold and traded them to those who could afford them. After a slave was freed, most went on to become Gladiators. "One Slave/Gladiator named Spartacus led an entire army of slaves against the Roman senatorial in the Third Servile War." ( The Romans needed slaves to do manual labor but they didn't need them to fight in their massive armies, which at the time were the greatest armies in the world. Slavery was a huge part in the Roman life but it was not a part of how the Romans lived their lives. "Well; be it so! And so are you blunted with stripes, but is that any reason why you shouldn't work for me"? (Plautus, Pseudolus, Act. I, Sc. 2./ In this line from the play, the slave owner is telling the slave that even if the blade o the ax is dull, that is no reason why you can't work for me. Slavery in Rome was bad but it was not the worst.

The Romans treated their slaves with the same respect that hey would give to a dog or another animal. If the owner did not get what they wanted, they would have that slave killed off and they would buy another. "You say, Rufus, that your rabbit has not been cooked well,/and you call for a whip/ you prefer to cut up your cook,/ rather than your rabbit. (Book III, No. 94)" ( The Romans were brutal and were extremely harsh to the slaves that the owned and sold. The slaves could rarely get want they wanted and could rarely ever be freed by their master unless they were abandoned. There have been many cases of slave revolts that take place. "When Sicily, after the Carthaginian collapse, had enjoyed sixty years of good fortune in all respects, the Servile War broke out for the following reason. The Sicilians, having shot up in prosperity and acquired great wealth, began to purchase a vast number of slaves, to whose bodies, as they were brought in droves from the slave markets, they at once applied marks and brands." ( The war broke out and Sicily suffered a huge drop in their economy while funding the army an the weaponry needed for the army. In all, Slaves were mistreated and they needed to speak up and revolt. That is exactly what they did.

To recap and all of this, The slaves were beaten, Mistreated, owned ad traded like farm animals, and they had no use other than labor to the Roman Republic. The Romans could have developed their army, their empire, and their power without the slave labor. It just would have taken a longer period of time and they would have had to do the labor on their own. This makes the Romans just look extremely lazy to be honest. The Romans had a vast empire and plenty of wealth to fund more jobs for physical labor than paying the laves little money and beating them to death. The Romans we cruel, smart, and rich. They could have thought of something instead of slavery. Instead they led themselves into wars and their own fall.

MLA Citations:

  • Plautus, Pseudolus, Act. I, Sc. 2- "Ancient History Sourcebook: Slavery in the Roman Republic." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 25 Mar. 2010. .
  • (Book III, No. 94)- "Slavery in Antiquity -." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 25 Mar. 2010. .
  • Slave Revolts- FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 25 Mar. 2010. .

Friday, March 19, 2010

Who is a Good Guy? Who is a Bad Guy?

The question “Who’s a good guy? Who’s a bad guy?” raises several points of discussion. First off, the answer really depends on a person’s point of view. What one person may consider a good guy, another person might consider a bad guy. Also what one person might consider a bad guy; another person may argue the statement and say that that person is a bad guy. I think that another thing that must be considered is circumstances. Something that someone might have done may be considered bad in one situation but if it was absolutely necessary, it may be considered a better thing. A person cannot be considered good or bad without seeing that person through all points of view, as well as the circumstances that the person is being judged on. 
The first thing that must be considered when answering this question is a different person’s point of view. An example is the Vikings. They killed many people constantly so that they could steal from them. They would invade their land, murder countless people, and steal their valuables and move on to do it again. To many people the Vikings would seem like bad guys. The Vikings however, might have considered themselves to be good because they were getting and doing what they wanted. Viewing this concept from both sides shows that people have their opinions on the matter and an answer cannot be decided on. Every person is entitled to their own personal opinion and if someone does not agree with your opinion it does not mean that anybody is wrong. Morally however, the things that the Vikings did would make them seem like very bad guys. Most people would agree on this one that the Vikings were bad guys but that does not mean that the Vikings felt the same way. A person’s own opinion is probably one of the most important things when stating who is a good guy and who is a bad guy. 
Another thing that should be considered when answering the question is the circumstances that apply to the action that a person is being judged on. With the Vikings all of the stealing and murdering they did was very bad. If the circumstances had been that they had had war declared on them, their violent actions may have seemed less bad. They would still seem like the bad guys to most people, but their actions could have been justified by some means. Since this was not the case however, they had done terrible things for no apparent reason. This makes their actions seem much worse than if they had had some sort of reasoning for doing this. Their actions were not provoked so they seem worse than they would have if they had been provoked. The circumstances of these two scenarios are different so that one situation makes them seem like bad guys, but the other does not make them seem quite as bad. These circumstances are equally important determining factors as that of a person’s point of view, because circumstances may change the wrongness of an action as well as a person’s point of view. 
Because of the two factors mentioned above a person cannot be considered a good guy or a bad guy until these two things are thought about because they may easily change the decision. Many people would consider the Vikings to be bad people because of all of the evil things that they did but one must be respectful of another person’s opinion because everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion. Although some people might seem like bad guys and some people may seem like good guys, it all depends on the things that play a role in the situation.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Give three examples of Charlemagne's influence in the architecture or literature of the Early Middle Ages.

Charlemagne had a major influence on the architecture and literature of the Dark ages of the Roman Empire fell. "Charles was large and strong, and of lofty stature, though not disproportionately tall (his height is well known to have been seven times the length of his foot); the upper part of his head was round, his eyes very large and animated, nose a little long, hair fair, and face laughing and merry. Thus his appearance was always stately and dignified, whether he was standing or sitting; although his neck was thick and somewhat short, and his belly rather prominent; but the symmetry of the rest of his body concealed these defects." (

 He made the biggest influence on the schools and education of children. "As soon as their years admitted, in accordance with the custom of the Franks, the boys had to learn horsemanship, and to practise war and the chase, and the girls to familiarize themselves with cloth-making, and to handle distaff and spindle, that they might not grow indolent through idleness, and he fostered in them every virtuous sentiment." ( In this passage it shoes how he made it so the boys and girls would have the lives that the romans did. Each had their own path in life and they were both controlled by their father. He also never let them leave the house or leave his side for the fact the he never wanted to loose a child. It would cause him too much pain after he would loose a child. He only lost three of his kids but the loss of another would have been to hard for him to handle. 

Charles made most of his influences on the education systems and the literature of the time. He took a major role in the literature as he mainly influenced the school systems but he also influenced the art of the time. Although he wasn't the most hansom man at the time, he still made his life the best he could for him and his kids. He lived from 2 April 742 – 28 January 814 which is a long life. to be 72 years old at your death and to die with such an influence, that is all that you could want. although he left his children at death, they still lived a good life and they could now leave the house and enter the society. They had now officially came out of The Dark Ages. "Medieval Sourcebook: Einhard: Life of Charlemagne." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 19 Mar. 2010. .

Friday, March 12, 2010

Did the Roman Empire 'Fall'?

How did the greatest empire fall? The Roman Empire was started in 27 BC by Gaius Julius Caesar know more commonly as Augustus, adopted son of Julius Caesar. ( At the height of the Empire it controlled approximately 6.5 million kilometers of land. Its military controlled over 60 legions, which roughly equals 4,200 legionaries. The demographics peaked between 60 and 100 million. ( city of Rome was destroyed and burned in 410 AD by barbarian invaders. ( The Roman Empire finally fell in 476 AD when Romulus Augustulus was deposed by Odoacer, a German barbarian. ( The western part of the Roman Empire was systematically taken over by the Visigoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Huns and other tribes of “barbarians”. With the fall of the Roman Empire, everything under its control was plunged into the Dark Ages. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire was caused by a weakened economy, due to multiple factors, and by barbarian invasions and civil war.
The beginnings of the fall of the Roman Empire took place an estimated 320 years be for the actual fall of the Roman Empire. The very rapid growth of the empire caused an economic inflation. The economic inflation was due to the continual increase in taxes, that slowly hurt the economy of Rome. The size of the empire caused Rome to have to pay a lot of money to maintain it. Rome had to take care of all of their roads, aqueducts, towns, and cities. It also would have cost a large amount of money to have and maintain a 30 legion army to defend the vast territories that Rome had conquered. These factors would have put a huge economic strain on the empire. This was a slow decline to one of the greatest empires of all time. (
In 395, when the emperor, Theodsuis, left the Roman Empire to his two sons. The sons then split the empire into two parts, The Western Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. With the split of the two the Byzantine Empire became its own empire. ( eastern part became known as the Byzantine empire Honorius, one of Theodsuis’ sons, got the western part of the Empire that included present day Italy, Spain, France, England, and the northern part of Africa. A civil revolt, that weakened Rome, was started when Constantine III declared himself emperor of York. When Constantine left to gather troops to attack, he left the whole area of England, Spain, and France open to Constantine was eventually killed, and his troops were taken to deal with the Visigoths in Italy. The Visigoths under the rule of Alaric sacked the city of Rome destroying the Western Roman Empire. (
The Roman Empire did eventually fall and decline. Through gradual decline in the economy that ultimately lead to economic crises and barbarian invasion, one of the largest empires of the world fell. There are many other factors that may have played a part I the downfall of Rome, from lead poison to the rise of Christianity. However not a lot of evidence survives this period so these factors can only be theorized to contribute to the decline and fall of Rome, but the poor economic situation and invasions from barbarians were the main factors contributing to the fall of the Roman Empire. Scholars today describe it as a complex transformation, from the Ancient Era to the Middle Ages.

Carr, Karen. "The Fall of Rome". historyforkids. 3/12/10
"Decline of the Roman Empire". Wikipedia. 3/12/10
Heather, Peter. "Dark ages". BBC Ancient history in-depth. 3/12/10
"Roman Empire". Wikipedia. 3/12/10
"The Dark Ages". 3/12/10
"The Roman Empire (27 B.C.–393 A.D.)". metmuseum. 3/12/10
"Theodosius I's empire". Wikimedia. 3/12/10's_empire.png.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Games for my group (Jake Wade, Ryan Noone, and Eric Mcintyre)

This game is fairly exciting and is the best game I have played on mummies. This game has an abundant of information on mummies. This game is extremely challenging and you need everything to enter the mummies tomb and see what he has left behind. You need to make your way though the tomb with a series of puzzles and complications. The mummy doesn't want you to enter, so enter if you dare.

This game is an interactive building of a pyramid. This game lets you control your workers and build your very own pyramid for yourself. This pyramid can be build using any combinations of stones and you can use any kind of laborers to do this. It's your pyramid and your tomb. Make sure that you build it right and able to keep your remains safely in it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What is so "Ancient" about Rome?

What is so "Ancient" About Rome?
By: Jake Wade
Rome was a civilization that grew out of a small agricultural community founded on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 10th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea, it became one of the largest empires in the ancient world. ( Ancient means, of or in time long past, esp. before the end of the Western Roman Empire A.D. 476: ancient history. Rome is an ancient empire that isn’t so ancient when you come to think of it. Rome has many things in its government and economic systems that we use to this day.
The Roman Government had an amazing impact on the way that the American government is run today. For example, the Roman Empire operated on the system of Checks and Balances, like how we do in America today. ( In the United States we have three branches of government just like the Romans did. We have the Legislative branch (The Congress), the judicial branch (The Supreme Court), and the executive branch (The President). The American system was based on powers/functions and the Roman system was based on balance of interests. ( The three branches of the Roman system were; The Monarchical branch (Two consuls plus other magistrates), The Aristocratic branch (Senate), and the Democratic branch (An assembly of tribes and tribunes. ( Both of these systems had individual sets of rules and regulations of the branches. In retrospect, each branch for every branch of the Roman Government, the United States has one exactly like it. First, the Democratic and Executive Branches are the same thing. Both of them have the ability to veto a bill and decide on war. Next, the Aristocratic and Legislative branches are also the same thing. They both control the state budget and pass laws. Finally, the Monarchical and Judicial Branches is the same thing. They both are judges and decided the main verdicts of criminal offenses. ( The setup of the Roman Empire was much like our own, but only done around 1500 years ago.
Procedure: for courts and trials
Trials, continued.
Rights of fathers (paterfamilias) over the family
Legal guardianship and inheritance laws
Acquisition and possession
Land rights
Torts and delicts (Laws of injury)
Public law
Sacred law
Supplement I

Supplement II

The next matter on the Roman Government s that they have a set of laws that are to be followed, just like our constitution has laws we need to follow. These Laws are known as “The Twelve Tables.” Each law has a different meaning and each law has a different way of punishment. The Constitution also has theses indications of consequences and strict Law. These Tables noted to the left, is the first attempt of Roman law and the First recorded writing by the Romans. ( Within these tables, it seems as though that the fathers have control over everything in the family, that the men have the only power in Rome. This was true. That is one of the only things that separate us from Rome, women have rights in America. At first the United States followed the rules of the Roman Empire, but as time progressed, they decided that every man should be treated equally. Within the U.S constitution there are 27 amendments.  All of these amendments state different rules and regulations that must be followed. If one were not to follow these rules. Then there would be serious consequences that would end up leading into years of jail time. Although we are not as cruel as the Roman law, we still have our ways of “Putting our foot down” and cracking down on those who break the law.
            The Roman Empire isn’t so ancient. The only thing that really makes the city ancient is the time period that it thrived in. Almost of our nation’s government and economic way of living is based on that of the Roman Empire. Without the Roman way of living the United States would have figured out an entirely new way to live their lives. Not only is The United States based on the Roman Empire but so are many other highly developed countries and societies of the world.
  • "Ancient Rome -." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Mar. 2010. .
  • "Ancient | Define Ancient at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 06 Mar. 2010. .
  • Twelve tables image- "Ancient History Sourcebook: The Roman Republic: Checks and Balances." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 06 Mar. 2010. .
  • "THE TWELVE TABLES." California State University, Northridge. Web. 06 Mar. 2010. .
  • Rome image- Concurring Opinions. Web. 06 Mar. 2010. .
  • Checks and Balances image- "Does the System of Checks and Balances Work -." Fashion Resources - Fashion Clothes, fashion Design, girls Clothing, women’s Clothing, women’s Dresses, fashion Photography Resources. Web. 06 Mar. 2010. .

What was the attitude of the Romans towards woman and children?

IV. 1 "A dreadfully deformed child shall be killed."
V. 1 "Our ancestors saw fit that "females, by reason of levity of disposition, shall remain in guardianship, even when they have attained their majority."
VI. 2 Marriage by `usage' (usus): If a man and woman live together continuously for a year, they are considered to be married; the woman legally is treated as the man's daughter.
X. 4 "Women must not tear cheeks or hold chorus of `Alas!' on account of a funeral."

The Roman Empire has a large dislike towards woman and children such that they have no rights and are pets to the fathers and husbands. Woman have no meaning in the Roman community other than to have kids and be the maids of the husbands and fathers.  IV. 1 "A dreadfully deformed child shall be killed."(The Twelve Tables) This shows that the female either has a perfect child or will have their pride and joy destroyed right in front of their eyes. Te Romans were cruel and grueling towards woman and children, their form of law has to be the most destructive form in the world.

"THE TWELVE TABLES." California State University, Northridge. Web. 05 Mar. 2010. <>

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hannibal Biography

Hannibal was a Carthagian military commander and tactician who is popularly credited as one of the most talented commanders in history. His Father was the commander in the first Punic War and he had two brothers and a brother-in-law. When Hannibal was commander he attacked Rome and ended up creating the Second Punic War. He is famous for using elephants in his warfare and he ultimately overthrew Rome and ended up winning almost all of the battles.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Struggle of ancient Rome.

The struggle of orders was between the Patricians and the Plebeians. This struggle was between the poor and the rich. The main areas of conflict were political, economical, social and religious. This struggle of orders happened in the early 5th century. The Plebeians fought for the rights that the Patricians had. The Plebeians were angry and left the city. This hurt Rome and they were told to come back and received many more rights. This was influential for later Roman politics because the development helped transform the senate from just the Patricians to the Patricians and Plebeians. The Plebeians and the Patricians together formed a government that helped all the people and did not favor just the rich. This topic is a situation of rich vs. poor which was a problem in Ancient Rome.