Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is History?

  •  The first concept of history is that history is linear.
    • It happens through the past present and future of our history.
  •  The second concept of history is cyclic history. 
    • This is that everything happens through a cycle.
  • A German guy developed the third concept of history.
    • That history happened from things conflicting with one another and causing a change.
    • A cause and effect theory
  • The  Engelian theory of history 
    • Thesis+ Antithesis =Synthesis
  • The next theory is the vortex theory
    • This tells us that history fluctuates.
    • It becomes large and small, large and small, and so on
  • Is history things that everyone can agree on.
  • Or is history something that noone can agree on.
  • What happened yesterday?
    • I woke up, ate breakfast, went to school, went to swim practice, went to Bontempos afterwards, went home, played call of duty, ate dinner, did my homework, and went to bed. 

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