Friday, January 29, 2010

Is Change Good or Bad?

Is Change Good or Bad
            Is change good or bad? Change is Inevitable. When change happens it is natural like globalization or when a country will change their government to progress through development. But there are also bad and forced forms of change. When a military takes over the country and forces it into a dictatorship or completely destroys the culture of the society. But change is mostly inevitable by what happens naturally.
            When change is good it will help out or remodel a culture or even the environment for that matter. It could be a climate change which makes the area have to adapt to the new temperature. Or as I said before it could change the government and the society of a region to move farther up into the developmental stages. When this kind of change happens it can only benefit a society. There are also changes in the way we live in general. First we have clothing styles and the way we talk.  Second there is how we act around others and what the cool thing to do is. Sometimes the second way of changing is not always good since many people have different interpretations. For instance, there is underage drinking that is a huge problem in the United States and the rest of the world. There is also the concept of drugs and how people use them even though they are not even illegal. Another form of good change is that How England came to America and colonized here. Without this we would not have the United States. But within that you have the concept of the many wars that came with this change. For instance, there is the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 where the Star Spangled Banner was written. This poem was then turned into a song and became our national anthem. As the years progressed we did not have many issues with slaves and having them do our work for us. Under Lincoln we established the Emancipation Proclamation act that forbids any area of the United States to have slaves. Lincoln was then killed by John Wilkes Booth. Through all of this we made a huge change in the way that we live our lives today. Later on Martin Luther King had a dream, that white people and black people could be created equal under one roof. He protested in a nonviolent way and was then shot just as Lincoln was, on a balcony and fighting for our rights. I have given you a basic run down on how one change led to another and then another to make a good outcome in result. But when you look at life this happens in everyday, all around the world. Change is a good thing as long as it is not for the wrong reason. When you look at how everything happens due to one rupture in our lives then you know that change is supposed to happen on a regular basis.
            Now I am going to tell you how change is a bad thing. Change can be forced into creating something that no one will like but it will be solved through strict discipline and fighting for a better change. When we look at when Britain came to America again. Who was here first? The answer to that are the Native Americans that fought for their right to live on their homeland when we forced them into obliteration. Why is it that Human Beings have to revolve around violence and power? This is because we are the Dominant species on this planet and have to overthrow whatever gets in our way. While England was overthrowing the Native American Civilizations through warfare and hate, Spain and other countries were doing the same to the natives of other areas of North America. Spain overthrew many ancient civilizations in what we know as Mexico now. They brought slaves and diseases and what did we get out of this? We got nothing other than more land to fight over. We have had many wars inside of our own country as well that are still being debated on whether they were worth it or not. But without these we cannot learn how to prevent the horrible things that will end up happening to good people. But what we can do is prevent changes that will have a negative effect on our lives. I have now told you some of the historical changes through time but the real element that will come through bad change is the fact that everyone is affected in a way that has been destroying our cultures for decades. Our Government is not doing well with the economy and the wars that have been going on for a while now. What are we getting out of those wars other than dead soldiers that have left their families behind to serve their country when there s no country to serve anymore? As Human we go through changes on a regular basis. We could go through a change where it just makes us want to destroy everything that means the most to us and everything worth living for.
            Change happens on an everyday basis and can be guided to a better outcome. As change happens we start to mature and learn more about was has been and what might be. But what about what already is? Change effects the present and the future. But change can never effect the past because the past cannot be erased. Everyone will remember 911 and the devastating earthquake in Haiti. But when it comes down to the whole picture there is nothing we could have done to stop that besides grow from it and make changes to how you go about loving our lives and helping others. Change is inevitable. It will never stop happening and it could always have a positive or negative effect on our live. You just have to look at it and determine if it was a change or a replay of something that has already happened.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The importance of Water in ancient Time

Water in the ancient time was the number one necessity. Without water we would die and without the technology that we have today, if the water wasn't fresh than the person drinking it could  potentially die anyway. Many ancient civilization developed around rivers and on coast so that they had water. They then used this water to drink and cook food. Without water in ancient civilizations they would die or would have to find another source of a drink.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What is History?

What is History?
History is anything that has happened in the past. This isn’t necessarily just important things that have happened but anything that has been seen or done. Everyone has a history of what has happened in their lives. For instance, I woke up this morning, ate breakfast, went to school, and started typing this article. My history is being made as the seconds pass by and so is everyone else’s. by the time that I have finished this essay it will be a part of my life’s history.
Of the four theories of history the one that I think is the best and most worth proving to be the whole entire concept of history is the Hegelian Theory. I am going to explain to you why I think this and what all of the theories of history are. When I am done explaining I hope that I will have grabbed your attention into why I think that the Hegelian theory is the best.

The Hegelian Theory is the most accurate way of describing how history happens through time. It is a cause and effect type concept that leads out into the final concept of the events that had happened in the past. Thesis + Antithesis= Synthesis. This is just coming from one event to the final outcome. When one thing happens another will follow in result of the starting event. For instance, in the summer X-games of 2008 a skateboarder had around 25 feet of air on a ramp, He misjudged the trajectory and lost his board and landed on his back, his shoes flew off his feet on impact and he broke his femur bone and was out for the season. This is an example of the Hegelian theory. This theory makes up the other theories.

The linear theory of history is showing us the range of the important events in history and what they were and when they happened. That everything was planned to happen that specific day that it did. Another concept of the linear theory is clumping all of the important dates in history into one area. But in reality everything happens for a reason and that reason is what makes the synthesis in the Hegelian theory. The linear Theory doesn’t go into any detail about how the event happened. It is only an outline of history. It only covers the broad aspect of what history is and that is that it has happened. When you look at how the linear theory is being brought by you it just shows you a time line with recorded ‘important” events in our history. The events on that timeline are important to the worlds’ history; but what about the history being made by us and our peers? I guess we don’t matter in this world. Linear is probably the most common way that people look at history. But when you look at it, it is not the best way.
The next theory is the cyclic theory. This is the theory that history comes in a cycle. That when one thing happens it will come around and happen again. Take a look at the repeated events in history. You have the two ice ages, and the two World Wars. Both had repetitive events. In the World Wars Hitler decided to attempt to make a pure German power by killing off all of the other races. The main race that he despised was the Jewish religion. We have a firsthand account of that with The Diary of Anne Frank. A young girl named Anne Frank wrote sown the history of the events that happened to her during the World War. Then there is the two Ice Ages. They froze the earth and killed off many animals which cause them to go extinct. Such as the Wholly Mammoth and Some people have a theory that the two ice ages killed off the dinosaurs as well. But during this Cycle you have to put into effect that the Hegelian theory is what is proving these events to happen for the reason that they did. A cycle is reoccurring events or the same thing over and over again. But when it comes to history a cycle is only as good as the events that go through it.
Then there is the Vortex Theory of History. This tells us how history fluctuates through time; in how it gets Large and then small, Large and then small. This theory is pretty accurate because when you look at the timeline for the linear theory than you can see that there is a larger amount of recorded history at times than others. But in reality the amount of history being collected is always the same. As I have said before everyone will make history but not all history will be recorded for generations to come. The Vortex theory to me is the same thing is the linear theory. You place the history down where it was recorded and then you can look at it on a graph. It’s a good way to show history but not a good way of describing how it has happened. The Hegelian theory will build up to the vortex theory by placing the events inside of it to create the fluctuating changes of the vortex.
In Conclusion, as I have described all of the theories of History and how they come together to make the broad aspect of History I have been proclaiming that the Hegelian Theory is the best out of all of them. It describes every event in life and how they have came to be. These events don’t have to be important to be a part of history. History is everything that has happened in the past; but not just the important things. I can make history and so can everyone else in the world but whether the history is important enough to be recorded is the real question. As I say this last sentence I am recording this in my history.


If i were to discover an invention that can help many people and I had the choice to get it a patent, i would get a patent. By doing so I have secured the risk of having someone steal my idea and make this invention or steal it then patten it. Although the people that need my invention have to wait, I will make some money so that i might be able to update it and make it even better than before. When it is finally patented i can make use of it a help all of those who need it with out the risk.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The significance of Megaliths.

Megaliths are large stone structures or groups of standing stones which are located at sites in various parts of the world and believed to have religious significance. These stones could also be that of ruins from villages that used to be standing. These Megaliths are very popular tourist attractions and to this day no one knows exactly what they are doing there and who made them.

The significance of the Rise of Agriculture

The rise of agriculture was significant for the fact that it helped grow food and domesticate the crops of the area that it proceeded in. Without agriculture many areas would have died out and the people in the villages would have had to move and find new homes for food. Agriculture also helped to make an area rise economically in the fact that they could sell the food to make money.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

West Civ Project

Hegelian Theory of History

Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis

Please complete another layer of the chart.


Event 1: John, strongest kid in class, doesn't tie his shoes   +    Event 2: John picks on group of kids, bullying them.

Event 3: = John chases the kids, but slips out of his shoe.


Event 1: John sprains his ankle.    +     Event 2: John gets jumped on the way home from school.

Event 3: John Gets Beat up by the kids he bullied.


Event 1: John Goes to the Hospital.      +        Event 2: John falls down the stairs while leaving the hospital. 

Event 3:= John brakes his spine and needs surgery. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is History?

  •  The first concept of history is that history is linear.
    • It happens through the past present and future of our history.
  •  The second concept of history is cyclic history. 
    • This is that everything happens through a cycle.
  • A German guy developed the third concept of history.
    • That history happened from things conflicting with one another and causing a change.
    • A cause and effect theory
  • The  Engelian theory of history 
    • Thesis+ Antithesis =Synthesis
  • The next theory is the vortex theory
    • This tells us that history fluctuates.
    • It becomes large and small, large and small, and so on
  • Is history things that everyone can agree on.
  • Or is history something that noone can agree on.
  • What happened yesterday?
    • I woke up, ate breakfast, went to school, went to swim practice, went to Bontempos afterwards, went home, played call of duty, ate dinner, did my homework, and went to bed.