Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How was the Medieval concept of power and equality different from our contemporary concept?

The medieval concept of power and quality was based on that of the church as ours is based on the power of the people and president. Then there was the concept of social classes in the middle ages that made it so that no matter how smart you are or how great you are, no matter what class you are born into, you will always be in that class. If you were a peasant you and your family to  come will always be the lowest on the food chain. In our country and time we base our power by and on the people as we live a democratic life. Our current president is Obama and he has pulled and torn apart this country. In the medieval times, what every the church said goes and will be the law. Half of the population was either a peasant or a monk so in all some of them had power. These are two completely different forms of society and power that happens approximately 1000 years apart from  each other. Thw world has progressed rapidly since the medieval times and will never stop rising and falling as the years pass by on this planet we call home.


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