Monday, April 26, 2010

Horror Story

Horror Story
By: Jake Wade
            In 2012 when the world is predicted to end, another cause of world destruction had aroused. The epidemic disease, known as Krankheit, (which means Disease in German) became the second most deadly disease since the Black Plague. Krankheit is actually a cure for Malaria that went horribly wrong in the process. Those who received the shot got an infected version of the harmless cure and this gave the symptoms of Malaria times 10. This new destructive epidemic turns humans into destructive zombies that walk around lifeless and eating human flesh and drinking blood.
            The Disease started in the little town of Bel Air, Maryland. The first to be infected were the adults because it breaks down and multiplies fasters in those that are more mature. Children are rarely affected so they don’t have to evacuate as fast as the adults. When you become a zombie there is no way to escape it and you are a blood thirsty walking death trap forever. There was a case in which a teacher turned into a zombie and got the kids infected. But when a kid gets infected they can get out of it because they keep their minds and are not brainless and brain washed. The only way that a kid can get infected is through the blood but when the air gets into them they are fine and those who got the shots are permanently affected.
             This disease is so deadly that you don’t even die. Krankheit will eat your brain out and the push the remains out of your ear. While walking down the street you would see people with their insides hanging out of your ear and it would look like the scenes from War of the Worlds. The disease not only wiped out half of the east coasts population but since it is out there, it has traveled all around the world. Those who were not affected flew to the new planet found that we could live on and we blew up the Earth to get rid of that deadly disease that will never thrive in our world again. 

Friday, April 23, 2010

What is so Wrong with Social Orders?

Being able to control your life and how you live is something most people desire. Whether someone is born rich, poor, or homeless, they can grow up and change their life. Citizens living in the United States today have the ability to change social classes. But this was not always the case. In the Middle Ages, power and equality were much different than they are today. Social orders, “the structures, institutions, and practices which maintain ‘normal’ ways of relating and behaving,” ( were taken to extremes in the Middle Ages. Because of the social orders and rules that the people of this time had, their freedom was taken away and they were stereotyped.
During the period of the Middle Ages, “feudalism was the law of the land.” The upper noble class controlled the lower class. This government consisted of kings, lords, peasants, and the leaders of the church. Life for peasants, or serfs, was extremely hard. Approximately 90% of the people living in the Middle Ages were peasants, which means that mostly everyone was treated harshly, and the majority of the population did not have many rights. Peasants who were not free lived on the land without paying any money because they worked for the lord to earn their stay. They could not get married without their lord’s permission. If they tried to escape, they could be caught and put in stocks. Imagine being in a stock for two hours, two days, or event two weeks. Boys were sold as slaves, and girls were sold as maid servants, or even worse, by their own families. ( Most people do not want to live this way, and if the majority of your population is, that means that only a few select members are controlling everyone else. This is not a fair or just way to rule a society or government, and it is seen as a problem in the Middle Ages. (
Three classes, or orders, were prevalent in the Middle Ages: those who pray (the monks and priests), those who fight (the nobles and knights), and those who work. The people of this time lived in a life of inequality. You were born, lived, and died in this situation. “Whatever position in life you were born to, that was where you belonged.” This class system was of staggering extremes. A human life was measured in pounds, shillings, and pence, and if someone was murdered, the price of their death was determined by their social class. Your class was as much a part of you as was the color of your skin, and it was literally in your genes. ( This stereotypical and categorized way of living was not a fair way to govern the people of the Middle Ages.
In the United States today, equality is our ideal. Freedom and the right to live a happy life is what was granted to the citizens of the United States hundreds of years ago by our founding fathers. The Declaration of Independence, written on July 4, 1776, states, “We hold these truths to be self evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..” ( is a very different theory than that which was known in the Middle Ages. The Declaration of Independence also declares our rights and the freedom that citizens of the US have. It states in its First Amendment that citizens have the freedom of speech, press, religion, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government. ( These are the rights that all people should have. The citizens of the United States had them, but people living in the Middle Ages did not.
The social orders of the Middle Ages robbed most of the population of their freedom and their own way of living. Today, it is seen that the US has been productive with allowing its people to have their own rights. The people in the Middle Ages could have lived much better lives than they did, but instead many lived lives in inequality where their freedom was taken and they were stereotyped.

Works Cited

"The Feudal Structure of the Medieval World." Web. 23 Apr. 2010. <>.
First Amendment Center. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. <>.

"Inside the Medieval Mind-POWER-Pt.1." Youtube. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. <>.

"Social Order." Wikipedia. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. <>.

Yale Law School. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. <>.

Picture Source:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Submission For Class Blog

The Vikings took the world as being flat like most people did back in the time of the Vikings. They had 9 different worlds in their flat planet controlled by different groups: Midgard, Alfheimr, Svartalfheim, Vanaheimr, Muspellheim, Jotunheimr, Niflheim, Asgard, Hel, and Ginnungagap. Each one had a different inhabitant and each one was created as the vikings tell it. They explain the Earth's creation like this; "Then Bur's son lifted the level land, Mithgarth the mighty here they made, The sun from the South warmed stones from the earth, and green was the ground with growing leeks." (The Poetic Edda: Voluspo) In the passage from The Poetic Eda, The vikings explain Earth's creation as if Bur's son took earth, which had no life on it at the time; Then he had risen the land from the ground and made life appear through the sunlight from the south. The God's then had a meeting to name the new land. As the meeting continued, Giants, dwarfs, and Elves come to the meeting. The were all given their own world by the God's.

The Poetic Edda: Voluspo-  "The Poetic Edda: Voluspo." - Shorten Urls, Share Files and Track Visits - Owly. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. .
Picture of Odin-

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How was the Medieval concept of power and equality different from our contemporary concept?

The medieval concept of power and quality was based on that of the church as ours is based on the power of the people and president. Then there was the concept of social classes in the middle ages that made it so that no matter how smart you are or how great you are, no matter what class you are born into, you will always be in that class. If you were a peasant you and your family to  come will always be the lowest on the food chain. In our country and time we base our power by and on the people as we live a democratic life. Our current president is Obama and he has pulled and torn apart this country. In the medieval times, what every the church said goes and will be the law. Half of the population was either a peasant or a monk so in all some of them had power. These are two completely different forms of society and power that happens approximately 1000 years apart from  each other. Thw world has progressed rapidly since the medieval times and will never stop rising and falling as the years pass by on this planet we call home.
