Friday, February 5, 2010

What is "Important"

The word important can be taken in many ways but when you look at the word, the definition sounds like it should. The definition is- of much or great significance or consequence ( An important thing is usually remembered or would be written down somewhere that it would never be lost in. The word important has a greater meaning than the one that I just gave and that is that importance will never be forgotten but the level of importance can be measured differently by each individual. Everyone can look at an event differently, or like something more than another person does. Everyone has different interests and that’s what makes us unique from each other. For instance, there a lot of people that only watch the super-bowl for the commercials and don’t even watch the game. But on the other hand there are those that could care less about what is being advertised and are die hard football fans. The importance of something is going to be different from every human-being on this planet because of the fact that no one person is made alike.
            Importance, as I have said before is not something that every sees but it is something that each person will decide for themselves the level of importance that the “important” event has. For me I think that everything that I do is important to my life but if someone else was to look at it they would say that life is much more important than mine. Everyone has a say in their own life. Here are some things that people might debate on whether they are important or not. Hen Obama was elected he was the first black president and he made history for that. To me it shouldn’t matter about the race of our leader but whether he has the right ideas to correct was has been done in our country. So far our economy has plummeted and a lot of people are losing their jobs. Another thing that people might debate on is whether helping out Haiti is important or not. Obviously we need to help out those who don’t have as much as we do and we need to help out those who need our help. After the earthquake in Haiti it had a drastic effect on the lives of everyone around the world. This happened to a small island and we are doing everything to help those in need. Because of the people that are willing to help Haiti, we have raised the relief efforts and have done all that we can to help those that are starving and perishing in Haiti. The high level of importance that we get everyone in that country food and 
clean water helped us spread the awareness much faster. The next example is the importance of helping those with AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa get the treatment they need. Every country in Africa has people with AIDS and they can’t help it. They have not been educated about the importance of being safe in sexual activity or knowing that AIDS can be transferred through blood. But if they were to be told then I think that it would make a huge change in their lives. All of these events were important to some and not important to others. Which one of these events do you think were important?
The level of importance something has can also be determined by the outcome of the event, such as a discovery or an invention. When a caveman discovered fire or a bow and arrow; that revolutionized the way that they lived their lives. They could hunt and they could cook but what they built out of these discoveries and inventions had both good and bad consequences. The good consequences as I said before were the ability to hunt and cook. This led to a new era in lifestyle that was probably as big as the industrial revolution. But on the other hand the development of weapons gave some areas power over others and caused war as time went on. The more we fought the less important their inventions came. But to some people that was not entirely true. Some people think that war is good and others could find millions of ways to disagree. Look at the weapons and technology that has come from the simplest things in life. Without fire we could not make steel and other metals to mold into cars or planes. Without the basic bow and arrow we would have never of understood the basics of weaponry. But through the bow and arrow we have learned how to kill and sometimes kill others through hate and violence. Sometimes when you have a good idea that might be put down in history some day you have to look at it and weigh the outcome before you follow through with your actions. So through the simplest things come greater more important things. Important things can come from other important things as we look deeper into the importance of them and learn how to prosper from our breakthroughs.
In conclusion, importance is not just the things that are written down in history or put into safe that will keep them interlocked forever. Importance is coming to know how to interpret the level of something’s value and learning how to prosper off what we have as human beings. Without knowing what is important in this world, we would not be able to understand why we were chosen to be the dominant species over all. Not only is there an important thing being done by every person in this world as I write this but the importance of it will be of greater value to the one who is doing it. Through importance we have come to understand why we are who we are and what our lives have been set out to do through a lifetime of make choices and deciding between right and wrong. Normally the correct choice is the one that is most important to you.

1 comment:

  1. Watch making generalizations and watch making statements without supporting them with sources. All of your articles must be supported by sources cited in MLA format and including a bibliography.
