Thursday, June 10, 2010


Question: Why do you think so many conspiracy theories surround the pyramids and the megaliths?

Thesis: No one knows why the Megaliths were made or who made them and the pyramids are so large that no one could possibly believe that humans made that with the little technology that they had. I think that there are so many conspiracies because no one can except the fact that they were built by people from so long ago. 

Primary Source #1: "The Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser (also spelled Zozer) was built during the Third Dynasty (ca. 2800 B.C.) in what is now Saqqara, Egypt. Djoser's Step Pyramid is generally considered the first tomb in Egypt to be built entirely of stone." All the Egyptians had were stone and limestone 2800 B.C and that was a very long time ago. Just to think that a civilization that was derived that long ago being smart enough to think of a new technology without wires and screens is amazing. The Egyptians built there pyramids for their Pharaohs and buried them with all of their belongings and pets. It was built for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser by his vizier Imhotep, during the 27th century BC.

Primary Source #2: "The oldest archaeological monuments in Ireland are megalithic (large-stone) tombs, in which the remains of our remote ancestors were buried together with pottery and items of flint, stone and bone." Megaliths are often tombs in which people are buried with their belongings exactly like how pyramids were tombs. They are a misterious structure and they often resemble the First life on EARTH.

Primary Source #3: "The true pyramid is a natural development and improvement on the step pyramid. The first true pyramids were introduced in at the beginning of the 4th Dynasty." The Egyptians would continue to improve their pyramids and make them so they can last longer and be bigger in such a way that they would all be able to wear and tear while still having enough stone to preserve the tombs and mummies.

Explanation of Argument:
The whole world is wondering how these magnificent structures were born and made into these beautiful works of art and into massive tombs. The megaliths are so old that no one knows exactly who built them but the pyramids were build by man power and it was that an power that is making us question if we have even advanced in technology since then.

Considering all of the conflict of the first century BCE, was Rome better off as an 'empire' than as a republic?
Thesis: The Roman Empire which was all powerful eventually fell because they did not focus on the people but more on the Soldiers and the generals. As a democracy they led their lives through the peoples vote which was a lot easier than power through  the army and rich.

Primary Source #1: 
TABLE IProcedure: for courts and trials
TABLE IITrials, continued.
TABLE IVRights of fathers (paterfamilias) over the family
TABLE VLegal guardianship and inheritance laws
TABLE VIAcquisition and possession
TABLE VIILand rights
TABLE VIIITorts and delicts (Laws of injury)
TABLE IXPublic law
TABLE XSacred law
TABLE XISupplement I
TABLE XIISupplement II

The Twelve Tables give the student of Roman culture a chance to look into the workings of a society which is still quite agrarian in outlook and operations, and in which the main bonds which hold the society together

Primary Source #2:
2 Consuls
+ other magistrates
Assembly of Tribes
Directed government and armyActed as judges
Could issue edicts
Acted as chief priest
Controlled state budgetCould pass laws
Approved/rejected lawsDecided on War
Tribune could veto actions of magistrate
Acted as final court
Basis of power:possess imperium, the right to rule
need for leadership
Basis of power:members were richest men in Rome.
Basis of power:provided most of the soldiers
Limits on power:one year term
each could veto
Limits on power:could not control army
needed majority as soldiers.
Limits on power:Could not suggest laws
often paid as clients by the elite

This is the Way the Romans lived their lives in the different forms of governments and the easiest way to live was probably the democracy.

Primary Source #3: 
"The Dictator kept his army permanently encamped, fully expecting that the senate would declare war against those peoples. A much greater trouble at home, however, necessitated his recall." The Empire was more of a dictatorship then an Empire and when this happens the people become unhappy than restless. The people should come first in any form of government and when they do it is a democracy.

Explanation of Argument:
The Empire was good until the power and the army ran out, they were getting defeated and the city became unsafe. But if the Empire was never in existence than the democracy would never have formed. The Democracy did accomplish more things and that is why they were better off as one.

Describe the importance of water in the ancient world.
Thesis: Water was used for transporting cleaning and making foods that need to be boiled pretty much the same uses as there is today. 

Primary Source #1: 
ON this primary source there is pictures of paintings from the neolithic ages. These paintings had water in them. Water had to be put together with burning ashes to create the paint that they used to draw these paintings. That i what gives them the dark lack coloring.
Primary Source #2:
There is also a picture on this primary source; this picture is of CATAL HUYAK which was an ancient city of around 5,500 people living inside. The clay that they used to make these houses were mixed with water to be more flexible so that they could make the brick needed for the houses.
Primary Source #3: 
Macro-photography of a line © Dominique Baffier  - Valérie Feruglio
This painting in a cave was eroded by water and painted by the Water and ash mixture. Although this was done much more recent than the other one we now know that it is authentic because of the eroded lines that are in it. 

Explanation of Argument:
Water was used for many purposes and those purposes were not just to drink it but to use it for irrigation systems and paint. Without water no one on this planet would be living. God gave us water for those purposes and those purposes describe why we use it still today.

Were the Vikings "barbarians"?

Thesis: The Vikings when looked at all seem as though they are barbarians in the way hey act but not how they live. they all we ruthless but they had some of the smartest minds and were high up in the standards of technology. 

Primary Source #1: 
"Pirates of the Northmen's race came to Nantes, killed the bishop and many of the clergy and laymen, both men and women, and pillaged the city. Thence they set out to plunder the lands of lower Aquitaine. At length they arrived at a certain island[2] and carried materials thither from the mainland to build themselves houses; and they settled there for the winter, as if that were to be their permanent dwelling-place." They vikings got into wars and battles but as you can see they lived together with a society and were calm when not attacking.

Primary Source #2: "
In the spring the Northmen left Condc and sought the country along the sea. Here they dwelt through the summer; they forced the Flemings to flee from their lands, and raged everywhere, laying waste the country with fire and sword." Once again the vikings would attack but they got to the Islands on the boats that they handcrafted to fit different journeys and make longer and smoother voyages across rough seas. These boats could easily be better crafted than the one that fishermen use today.

Primary Source #3: "
When Haraldr arrived in England together with the aforementioned Tostig, they made the territory of Northumbria subject to their rule.  King Harold of England had at that time gone to Normandy;2but when he heard of the arrival of enemies, he made speedy return to England, assembled a huge army and took the invaders unawares." The Battle of Stamford Bridge was a well-known battle in the year of 1066 in which the Vikings and the British fought to their death. This was a large battle in which both sides became barbaric. 

Explanation of Argument:  Not only the viking were barbaric and not only the British were civilized. Everyone got into wars and everyone killed others. It's just they way that the vikings did so that made them seem so ruthless and powerful. They gave NO MERCY.

Describe the significance of the Battle of Tours.

Thesis: The Battle of Tours was a major battle between the Franks and the Muslims. The Battle was necessary to keep the Muslim invaders out so that the Franks could stay in power and continue conquering areas so that their high development could be spread.

Primary Source #1: 
"Then Abderrahman, [the Muslim emir] seeing the land filled with the multitude of his army, crossed the Pyrenees, and traversed the defiles [in the mountains] and the plains, so that he penetrated ravaging and slaying clear into the lands of the Franks. He gave battle to Duke Eudes (of Aquitaine) beyond the Garonne and the Dordogne, and put him to flight---so utterly [was he beaten] that God alone knew the number of the slain and wounded." 
The defeat of the Saracen invaders of Frankish lands at Tours (more properly Poitiers) in 732 A.D. was a turning point in history. It is not likely the Muslims, if victorious, would have penetrated, at least at once, far into the north, but they would surely have seized South Gaul, and thence readily have crushed the weak Christian powers of Italy.

Primary Source #2: 
"The Moslems smote their enemies, and passed the river Garonne, and laid waste the country, and took captives without number. And that army went through all places like a desolating storm. Prosperity made those warriors insatiable." 
From 711 Muslim forces crossed the Straits of Gibraltar, conquered the Visigothic Kingdom, and in less than a decade crossed the Pyrenees. In 732, under the command of Abd-er- rahman, they were decisively defeated by Charles Martel and the Franks at the Battle of Tours. 

Primary Source #3: 
"Remember that if you suffer a few moments in patience, you will afterward enjoy supreme delight. Do not imagine that your fate can be separated from mine, and rest assured that if you fall, I shall perish with you, or avenge you." This is the speech given to Tarik's soldiers by Tarik to make it seem like he will go and die with them o that they will go and fight for him.

Explanation of Argument:
The Battle of Tours was a great battle in which The Franks took out the Muslim army and without this defeat we could be Muslim instead of Christian and the way of government in Islam would be he same here. Every action and  reaction made influences the future and if one thing was different it would be a different future.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is Exploration a Good Thing?

Is exploration a good thing? It depends on how you interpret it. There has been exploration that discovers new worlds and those that have spread diseases from one country to another. There have been explorers like Christopher Columbus and Lewis and Clarke. Those explorers were looking for land but there have also been explorers that have caused mayhem and they explored for the wrong reasons. Francisco Pizarro was a Conquistador from Spain that brought small pox to North America in 1533(
            Exploration is “The investigation of unknown regions.”(  Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator who lived from 1451 to 1506. His voyage and exploration across the Atlantic Ocean led to European awareness of the American continents. Columbus “initiated the process of Spanish colonization which foreshadowed general European colonization of the ‘New World’.” (  Columbus introduced the European culture into the Native American Culture of North America. From the Native’s hunting and gathering culture to the European’s Economy and structure, they made what we know as America today. Lewis and Clark’s job was to explore the unknown of the west in 1804. Along with Sacagawea they discovered that the west was occupied by many different tribes, but they had successfully gained understanding of the west. Lewis began writing in a journal and his first entry was this: "Left Pittsburg this day at 11 o'clock with a party of 11 hands 7 of which are soldiers, a pilot and three young men on trial they having proposed to go with me throughout the voyage."( This Expedition was the reason why we are spread to places like California and Oregon. Due to this we developed the Oregon Trail which helped the pilgrims travel across the country by wagon. Thanks to Exploration we have new land, new hope, and a whole new life.
            “The Inca civilization (or Inka civilization) began as a tribe in the Cuzco area, where the legendary first Sapa Inca, Manco Capac founded the Kingdom of Cuzco around 1200.” ( They kept quiet and had their own system of classes and a king. They were a much evolved civilization until the Spanyards visited America and brought one of the deadliest diseases to visit the Americas. They brought small pox. A slave on one of the ships was carrying it and since small pox had already hit Spain so they are immune to the disease. Since they visited the village they brought the disease with them and it wiped out the entire population. They were fighting them in a small war and they wanted the gold in the civilization. This ended in the wiping out of the Incas and the transfer of smallpox was the first example of biological warfare. Sue to the exploration of the society they caused deaths and encouraged biological warfare.
            Exploration is good and bad and it can help and destroy societies. Exploring is one of the things that humans do and it goes along with our curiosity. We found the new world and we destroyed not to long after. Exploration has positive and negative factors that go along with it ut in the end it happens by choice. When you look around you will find and when you find you discover. That is the whole point behind exploring different areas and new regions. Just make sure you know what you’re doing.

·         "Inca Civilization." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 May 2010. < >.
·         "Christopher Columbus." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 09 May 2010.<>
·         "Lewis and Clark Expedition." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 09 May 2010.<>

Monday, May 3, 2010

What do you Think? Different thinking Among Social Classes

What you think is based on your values and life experiences. These values and experiences are formed by your upbringing, your education, your environment, and influences of your social groups. Very strict social classes in the Middle Ages resulted in distinct ways of thinking within the four levels of the social pyramid; the nobility, the merchants, the clergy and the peasants.
The nobility believed in divine right to rule, with the King being granted that right by God, passing the title on to his heirs. The King appointed members of the noble class, granted them fiefs, and they in turn, pledged homage and fealty to the King, before God and in a written charter. This feudal system was used for lesser nobles as well, with all but the King owing allegiance to the nobleman above him. This upper class thought they were superior to the ones below, and expected them to serve all of their needs to include making their clothes and dressing them, growing their food and cooking for them, and producing any goods or service they needed to carry out their daily lives. In exchange, the nobles offered protection and security. Nobles were trained as knights from an early age, and they protected the lord’s lands from invaders and fought in their battles. The lords also provided their people the basics they needed to live; food, clothing, and shelter, although all were meager compared to the luxuries the nobles enjoyed. The people were also heavily taxed. The noble class formed the government and legal system for those people living on their lands, so the lower classes thoughts and opinions of the fairness of this system did not count. The nobility were the entitled class, being better educated, having better clothes and food, with free time for hunting and falconry.
The merchants were the middle class of the feudal society in the Middle Ages.They lived in towns producing goods and services for the nobility, and were organized into guilds that regulated training, wages, pricing and competition, and quality of goods. The merchants lived in buildings whose first floor served as their shops where they could sell their wares, but they were heavily taxed by the lords. They were free people, permitted to travel when trading or selling commodities, but journeys to foreign lands were dangerous due to bad weather and pirates.The merchants were skilled workers who were masters at their crafts, but they were not permitted to rise to the social level of the nobility, regardless of their success in their field. The middle class no doubt thought about the lack of opportunities for advancement, and resented the nobility’s privileges due to birthright, but were probably too busy working to get by, providing for their families, supplying the upper class, and paying taxes to dwell on what they could never have.
The clergy were a class unto themselves in the Middle Ages, with their own hierarchy. The Pope, due to his powers of excommunication, was an influential person in society.Everyone in medieval times from the king to the serfs were Christian, attended church regularly, and were God-fearing people, as stated in the Canterbury Tales, “For though Fortune may noon aungel dere, from heigh degree yet fel he for his synne, doun into helle, where he yet is inne”( Since religion was so important, so was the Church. The arch-bishops and bishops were on par with nobility, and were often involved in politics and government in Europe.The Church charged taxes of all the people for their salvation, and accepted gifts as well. The local abbeys were run by abbots and occupied by monks, and often owed some type of feudal obligation to lord of the manor.Medieval monastery life consisted of a routine of eight daily services, Bible reading, prayer and meditation, and manual labor keeping up the monastery. A Medieval monastery also copied manuscripts and performed works of charity and healing and religious education and training for boys. Monks were devoted to God, and their day was spent thinking about how they could better serve Him and his children.
The lower class in the
Middle Ages were the peasants, the majority of which were serfs who belonged to the land they lived on, and thus the lord who owned that land. Serfs had no political rights, paid taxes and fees to the manor and the Church, and were expected to do any and all work as needed.Many were farmers working the land granted by the lord to support their families, with a percentage of the food or animals they raised going back to the manor. Their thoughts were of survival and they prayed for good health, good weather, and good harvests. They could be traded with the land they lived on, as serfs were property. Those transferred to monasteries saw themselves as fortunate, since they were granted rights of possession and disposal of their goods, and generally were treated more humanely. Being a serf was the hardest life of all of the members of the social classes, and this group had the most right to be resentful of their position in life. Their only hope was to escape to a town, where if they could live undetected for a year and a day, they could stay and train to be a craftsman or merchant.
The nobility, the merchants, the clergy and the peasants had very different lives in the Middle Ages, and therefore very different thoughts. The caste system dictated their thoughts in many ways, as they were born into their positions in life, and most of their life experiences were chosen for them based on their social class.
"Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ Presented by ELF." Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ Presented by The Electronic Literature Foundation. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. (
“Medieval Monastery.” The Middle Ages Website. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. (
"The Feudal Structure of the Medieval World ." Medieval Fiefdom Website. Library Thinkquest, April 2007. Web. 23 Apr 2010.(
"Travel and Trade". Web. 30 Apr. 2010. (
Photos from Wikimedia Commons:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Horror Story

Horror Story
By: Jake Wade
            In 2012 when the world is predicted to end, another cause of world destruction had aroused. The epidemic disease, known as Krankheit, (which means Disease in German) became the second most deadly disease since the Black Plague. Krankheit is actually a cure for Malaria that went horribly wrong in the process. Those who received the shot got an infected version of the harmless cure and this gave the symptoms of Malaria times 10. This new destructive epidemic turns humans into destructive zombies that walk around lifeless and eating human flesh and drinking blood.
            The Disease started in the little town of Bel Air, Maryland. The first to be infected were the adults because it breaks down and multiplies fasters in those that are more mature. Children are rarely affected so they don’t have to evacuate as fast as the adults. When you become a zombie there is no way to escape it and you are a blood thirsty walking death trap forever. There was a case in which a teacher turned into a zombie and got the kids infected. But when a kid gets infected they can get out of it because they keep their minds and are not brainless and brain washed. The only way that a kid can get infected is through the blood but when the air gets into them they are fine and those who got the shots are permanently affected.
             This disease is so deadly that you don’t even die. Krankheit will eat your brain out and the push the remains out of your ear. While walking down the street you would see people with their insides hanging out of your ear and it would look like the scenes from War of the Worlds. The disease not only wiped out half of the east coasts population but since it is out there, it has traveled all around the world. Those who were not affected flew to the new planet found that we could live on and we blew up the Earth to get rid of that deadly disease that will never thrive in our world again.